Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. vide Affl. No. : 830029

Principal Message  



“Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.”


Today, the role of school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society. A significant journey of a thousand miles begins with a single purposeful step. We offer a safe and invigorating environment for young minds to evolve, explore and expand.

We recognize that as we 'work together and learn together' students will be able to achieve their potential.  We firmly believe that every girl and boy at DAV Wadi can experience success and go on to graduate as a responsible, resilient and confident young adult, well prepared to take charge of their future and to become a productive member of the community.

Our curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students.   Our staff consistently follows current trends and after brainstorming over the best plan of action to incorporate those trends, we zero in on the ones that are most appropriate to our classrooms. The system of education has become so dynamic that it is no longer enough to connect the dots, we need to think out of the box and think beyond a pattern.

The students at DAV Wadi are offered many opportunities to explore their interests and investigate new ideas.  We offer many clubs, activities, sports and a large variety of co-curricular Activities for our students.  We are also proud of our cent percent result in Class X and XII CBSE Board Exams.

Our students, when they graduate from DAV Wadi, would be well equipped with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best enable them to strive for success in the world of the future. Our children are intelligent, creative, imaginative, disciplined, respectful and ethical and would remain dedicated to life-long learning. With the nurturing they get from the school they would definitely become the future leaders and role models of the society.


We are conscious of the fact that we have to fulfill the sacred mission of visionaries like to Swami Dayanand Saraswathi, who lit the torch of education when our country was reeling in the darkness of illiteracy, superstition and decadence and this gives us confidence to move ahead with our mission.


Contact Us ↓

ACC Colony, Wadi
Dist. Kalaburagi (Gulbarga),
Phone : +91 8476 202314
Email : dav_wadi@yahoo.in
Website :

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